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Running Substra with a single organisation on the Titanic dataset

This example is based on the similarly named Kaggle challenge.

In this example, we work on the Titanic tabular dataset. This is a classification problem that uses a random forest model.

Here you will learn how to interact with Substra, more specifically:

  • instantiating Substra Client

  • creating and registering assets

  • launching an experiment

There is no federated learning in this example, training and testing will happen on only one Organization.

To run this example, you need to download and unzip the assets needed to run it in the same directory as used this example:

Please ensure to have all the libraries installed. A requirements.txt file is included in the zip file, where you can run the command pip install -r requirements.txt to install them.

Import all the dependencies

import os
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path

import substra
from substra.sdk.schemas import (
/home/docs/checkouts/ TqdmWarning: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets. See
  from .autonotebook import tqdm as notebook_tqdm

Instantiating the Substra Client

The client allows us to interact with the Substra platform.

By setting the argument backend_type to:

  • docker all tasks will be executed from docker containers (default)

  • subprocess all tasks will be executed from Python subprocesses (faster)

client = substra.Client(client_name="org-1")

Creation and Registration of the assets

Every asset will be created in respect to predefined schemas (Spec) previously imported from substra.sdk.schemas. To register assets, asset schemas are first instantiated and the specs are then registered, which generates the real assets.

Permissions are defined when registering assets. In a nutshell:

  • Data cannot be seen once it’s registered on the platform.

  • Metadata are visible by all the users of a channel.

  • Permissions allow you to execute a function on a certain dataset.

In a remote deployment, setting the parameter public to false means that the dataset can only be used by tasks in the same organization or by organizations that are in the authorized_ids. However, these permissions are ignored in local mode.

permissions = Permissions(public=True, authorized_ids=[])

Next, we need to define the asset directory. You should have already downloaded the assets folder as stated above.

root_dir = Path.cwd()
assets_directory = root_dir / "assets"
assert assets_directory.is_dir(), """Did not find the asset directory, a directory called 'assets' is
expected in the same location as this py file"""

Registering data samples and dataset

A dataset represents the data in Substra. It is made up of an opener, which is a script used to load the data from files into memory. You can find more details about datasets in the API reference.

dataset = DatasetSpec(
    name="Titanic dataset - Org 1",
    data_opener=assets_directory / "dataset" / "",
    description=assets_directory / "dataset" / "",

dataset_key = client.add_dataset(dataset)
print(f"Dataset key {dataset_key}")
Dataset key 2429cf78-b7b6-4918-8d60-36cc33908734

Adding train data samples

The dataset object itself is an empty shell. Data samples are needed in order to add actual data. A data sample contains subfolders containing a single data file like a CSV and the key identifying the dataset it is linked to.

train_data_sample_folder = assets_directory / "train_data_samples"
train_data_sample_keys = client.add_data_samples(

print(f"{len(train_data_sample_keys)} data samples were registered")
10 data samples were registered

Adding test data samples

The operation is done again but with the test data samples.

test_data_sample_folder = assets_directory / "test_data_samples"
test_data_sample_keys = client.add_data_samples(

print(f"{len(test_data_sample_keys)} data samples were registered")
2 data samples were registered

The data has now been added as an asset through the data samples both for the training and testing part of our experience.

Adding Metrics

A metric corresponds to a function to evaluate the performance of a model on a dataset. Concretely, a metric corresponds to an archive (tar or zip file) containing:

  • Python scripts that implement the metric computation

  • a Dockerfile on which the user can specify the required dependencies of the Python scripts

inputs_metrics = [
    FunctionInputSpec(identifier="datasamples", kind=AssetKind.data_sample, optional=False, multiple=True),
    FunctionInputSpec(identifier="opener", kind=AssetKind.data_manager, optional=False, multiple=False),
    FunctionInputSpec(identifier="predictions", kind=AssetKind.model, optional=False, multiple=False),

outputs_metrics = [FunctionOutputSpec(identifier="performance", kind=AssetKind.performance, multiple=False)]

    assets_directory / "metric" / "",
    assets_directory / "metric" / "Dockerfile",

metric_archive_path = assets_directory / "metric" / ""

with zipfile.ZipFile(metric_archive_path, "w") as z:
    for filepath in METRICS_DOCKERFILE_FILES:
        z.write(filepath, arcname=os.path.basename(filepath))

metric_function = FunctionSpec(
    name="Testing with Accuracy metric",
    description=assets_directory / "metric" / "",

metric_key = client.add_function(metric_function)

print(f"Metric key {metric_key}")
Metric key 9a6dd565-1166-4ddb-8a37-f6a98a7f6959

Adding Function

A Function specifies the method to train a model on a dataset or the method to aggregate models. Concretely, a function corresponds to an archive (tar or zip file) containing:

  • One or more Python scripts that implement the function. It is required to define train and predict functions.

  • A Dockerfile in which the user can specify the required dependencies of the Python scripts. This Dockerfile also specifies the method name to execute (either train or predict here).

    assets_directory / "function_random_forest/",
    assets_directory / "function_random_forest/train/Dockerfile",

train_archive_path = assets_directory / "function_random_forest" / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(train_archive_path, "w") as z:
    for filepath in ALGO_TRAIN_DOCKERFILE_FILES:
        z.write(filepath, arcname=os.path.basename(filepath))

train_function_inputs = [
    FunctionInputSpec(identifier="datasamples", kind=AssetKind.data_sample, optional=False, multiple=True),
    FunctionInputSpec(identifier="opener", kind=AssetKind.data_manager, optional=False, multiple=False),

train_function_outputs = [FunctionOutputSpec(identifier="model", kind=AssetKind.model, multiple=False)]

train_function = FunctionSpec(
    name="Training with Random Forest",
    description=assets_directory / "function_random_forest" / "",

train_function_key = client.add_function(train_function)

print(f"Train function key {train_function_key}")
Train function key 7a8a6a0a-d89a-4c83-9a50-9633dd6385f2

The predict function uses the same Python file as the function used for training.

    assets_directory / "function_random_forest/",
    assets_directory / "function_random_forest/predict/Dockerfile",

predict_archive_path = assets_directory / "function_random_forest" / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(predict_archive_path, "w") as z:
        z.write(filepath, arcname=os.path.basename(filepath))

predict_function_inputs = [
    FunctionInputSpec(identifier="datasamples", kind=AssetKind.data_sample, optional=False, multiple=True),
    FunctionInputSpec(identifier="opener", kind=AssetKind.data_manager, optional=False, multiple=False),
    FunctionInputSpec(identifier="models", kind=AssetKind.model, optional=False, multiple=False),

predict_function_outputs = [FunctionOutputSpec(identifier="predictions", kind=AssetKind.model, multiple=False)]

predict_function_spec = FunctionSpec(
    name="Predicting with Random Forest",
    description=assets_directory / "function_random_forest" / "",

predict_function_key = client.add_function(predict_function_spec)

print(f"Predict function key {predict_function_key}")
Predict function key 393f2bcc-9c46-471b-bb97-c88c4c8df686

The data, the functions and the metric are now registered.

Registering tasks

The next step is to register the actual machine learning tasks. First a training task is registered which will produce a machine learning model. Then a testing task is registered to test the trained model.

data_manager_input = [InputRef(identifier="opener", asset_key=dataset_key)]
train_data_sample_inputs = [InputRef(identifier="datasamples", asset_key=key) for key in train_data_sample_keys]
test_data_sample_inputs = [InputRef(identifier="datasamples", asset_key=key) for key in test_data_sample_keys]

train_task = TaskSpec(
    inputs=data_manager_input + train_data_sample_inputs,
    outputs={"model": ComputeTaskOutputSpec(permissions=permissions)},

train_task_key = client.add_task(train_task)

print(f"Train task key {train_task_key}")
Train task key 177c3cc2-e7e9-4c04-b13c-7017439d1b2f

In local mode (docker or subprocess), the registered task is executed at once: the registration function returns a value once the task has been executed.

In remote mode, the registered task is added to a queue and treated asynchronously: this means that the code that registers the tasks keeps executing. To wait for a task to be done, create a loop and get the task every n seconds until its status is done or failed.

model_input = [

predict_task = TaskSpec(
    inputs=data_manager_input + test_data_sample_inputs + model_input,
    outputs={"predictions": ComputeTaskOutputSpec(permissions=permissions)},

predict_task_key = client.add_task(predict_task)

predictions_input = [

test_task = TaskSpec(
    inputs=data_manager_input + test_data_sample_inputs + predictions_input,
    outputs={"performance": ComputeTaskOutputSpec(permissions=permissions)},

test_task_key = client.add_task(test_task)

print(f"Test task key {test_task_key}")
Test task key 8a4d9a6c-92b1-45b2-b881-21a641f318d7


Now we can view the results

# We wait until the task is finished
test_task = client.wait_task(test_task_key)

print(f"Test tasks status: {test_task.status}")

performance = client.get_task_output_asset(test_task.key, identifier="performance")
print("Metric: ",
print("Performance on the metric: ", performance.asset)
Test tasks status: STATUS_DONE
Metric:  Testing with Accuracy metric
Performance on the metric:  0.8156424581005587
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