Release notes


This is an overview of the main changes, please have a look at the changelog of every repository to have a full grasp on what has changed:

Substra 0.26.2 — 2023-04-19

  • Fix Binder build for documentation examples

  • Add hardware requirements documentation

Substra 0.26.1 — 2023-04-11

  • Optimising the Dockerfiles generated by SubstraFL for faster image builds

Substra 0.26.0 — 2023-04-03

  • Improve backend performance when handling large amounts of compute plans and tasks. This will result in faster front-end pages.

  • Rename Algo to Function.

  • SSO Login

  • Experimental: Add a task duration breakdown for every task in the front-end. Note that this is an experimental feature and only works on the current backend you are logged into.

Screenshot of task duration


  • Fix issue where a performance of 0 was displayed as -.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: algo are now passed as a parameter to the strategy and not to execute_experiement anymore.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: a strategy needs to implement a new method build_graph to build the graph of tasks to be executed in execute_experiment.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: predict method of strategy has been renamed to perform_predict.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: clarify EvaluationStrategy arguments: change rounds to eval_frequency and eval_rounds.

  • Fix an issue where aggregation_lr could not be changed in the Scaffold strategy.

  • Add Initialization task to each strategy in SubstraFL

Substra 0.25.0 — 2023-02-17

  • BREAKING CHANGE: DataSampleSpec does not have a test_only field anymore.

  • SubstraFL: It is now possible to test on an organization where no training have been performed.

  • New creator field in Compute Plan.

  • Fix an issue where Skaffold spawned too many backends.

  • Add contributing guide & code of conduct to all repos.

Substra 0.24.0 — 2023-01-13

  • Fix issue where launching a large compute sometimes fails with: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions (SQLSTATE 40001)

  • Documentation: add contributing guide and code of conduct

  • Update Substra Tools base docker image to substra-tools:0.20.0-nvidiacuda11.6.0-base-ubuntu20.04-python3.*

Substra 0.23.1 — 2022-11-24

Main changes

  • BREAKING CHANGE: replace the tasks traintuple, aggregatetuple, predicttuple, testtuple, composite_traintuple with a single task.

task_key = client.add_task(
        worker=client.organization_info().organization_id,  # org on which the task is executed
                'identifier': 'datasamples',
                'asset_key': datasample_key
                'identifier': 'opener',
                'asset_key': dataset_key
        outputs= {
            'example_output': {
                'permissions': {
                    'public': False,
                    'authorized_ids': ['org1'],
                'is_transient': True,

task = client.get_task(task_key)
tasks = client.list_task()

# Compute plan changes
compute_plan = client.add_compute_plan(
        name = 'my compute plan',
        tasks = [
                worker=client.organization_info().organization_id,  # org on which the task is executed
                        'identifier': 'datasamples',
                        'asset_key': datasample_key
                        'identifier': 'opener',
                        'asset_key': dataset_key
                outputs= {
                    'example_output': {
                        'permissions': {
                            'public': False,
                            'authorized_ids': ['org1'],
                        'is_transient': True,


  • The metric registration is simplified. The user can now directly write a metric function within their script, and directly register it by specifying the right dependencies and permissions. The metric function must have (datasamples, predictions_path) as signature.

Example of new metric registration:

metric_deps = Dependency(pypi_dependencies=["numpy==1.23.1"])
permissions_metric = Permissions(public=True)

def mse(datasamples, predictions_path):
    y_true = datasamples["target"]
    y_pred = np.load(predictions_path)
    return np.mean((y_true - y_pred)**2)

metric_key = add_metric(
  • The round 0 is now exposed. Possibility to evaluate centralized strategies before any training (FedAvg, NR, Scaffold). The round 0 is skipped for single org strategy and cannot be evaluated before training.

  • Add support for Python 3.10.

  • Local dependencies are installed in one pip command to optimize the installation and avoid incompatibilities error.

  • Fix error when installing current package as local dependency.


  • Add Windows compatibility for Docker mode.

  • BREAKING CHANGE remove category from substra.schema.AlgoSpec and substra.models.Algo

Web application:

  • Add documentation link in user menu.

  • Removed task categories from the frontend.

  • Renamed any tuple thing into a task thing.

  • Check for last admin when editing a user.

  • Build error logs are now accessible given the right permissions.


  • Update Substra Tools base docker image to substra-tools:0.19.0-nvidiacuda11.6.0-base-ubuntu20.04-python3.*

  • BREAKING CHANGE: register functions to substratools is done with a decorator.

class MyAlgo:
  def my_function1:

  def my_function2:

if __name__ == '__main__':


def my_function1:

def my_function2:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Substra Backend:

  • Prevent use of __ in asset metadata keys

Substra 0.22.0 — 2022-10-20

Main changes

  • BREAKING CHANGE: the backend type is now set in the Client, the env variable DEBUG_SPAWNER is not used anymore. Default value is deployed.


export DEBUG_SPAWNER=subprocess
client = substra.Client(debug=True)


client = substra.Client(backend_type=substra.BackendType.LOCAL_SUBPROCESS)
  • BREAKING CHANGE: schemas.ComputePlanSpec.clean_models property is now removed, the transient property on tasks outputs should be used instead.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Model.category field has been removed.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: train and predict methods of all SubstraFL algos now takes datasamples as argument instead of X and y. This is impacting the user code only if he or she overwrite those methods instead of using the _local_train and _local_predict methods.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: The result of the get_data method from the opener is automatically provided to the given dataset as __init__ arg instead of x and y within the train and predict methods of all TorchAlgo classes. The user dataset should be adapted accordingly:

from import Dataset

class MyDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, x, y, is_inference=False) -> None:

class MyAlgo(TorchFedAvgAlgo):
    def __init__(

should be replaced with

from import Dataset

class MyDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, datasamples, is_inference=False) -> None:

class MyAlgo(TorchFedAvgAlgo):
    def __init__(
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Algo.category: do not rely on categories anymore, all algo categories will be returned as UNKNOWN.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Replaced algo by algo_key in ComputeTask.


  • Improved user management: the last admin cannot be deleted anymore.


  • Algo categories are not checked anymore in local mode. Validations based on inputs and outputs are sufficient.

  • Pass substra-tools arguments via a file instead of the command line. This fixes an issue where compute plan would not run if there was too many data samples.


  • NOTABLE CHANGES due to breaking changes in substra-tools:

    • The opener only exposes get_data and fake_data methods.

    • The results of the above method is passed under the datasamples keys within the inputs dict arg of all tools methods (train, predict, aggregate, score).

    • All method (train, predict, aggregate, score) now takes a task_properties argument (dict) in addition to inputs and outputs.

    • The rank of a task previously passed under the rank key within the inputs is now given in the task_properties dict under the rank key.

This means that all file should be changed from:

import substratools as tools

class TestOpener(tools.Opener):
    def get_X(self, folders):

    def get_y(self, folders):

    def fake_X(self, n_samples=None):

    def fake_y(self, n_samples=None):


import substratools as tools

class TestOpener(tools.Opener):
    def get_data(self, folders):

    def fake_data(self, n_samples=None):

This also implies that metrics has now access to the results of get_data and not only get_y as previously. The user should adapt all of his metrics file accordingly e.g.:

class AUC(tools.Metrics):
    def score(self, inputs, outputs):
        y_true = inputs["y"]

    def get_predictions(self, path):
        return np.load(path)

if __name__ == "__main__":

could be replace with:

class AUC(tools.Metrics):
    def score(self, inputs, outputs, task_properties):
        datasamples = inputs["datasamples"]
        y_true = ... # getting target from the whole datasamples

    def get_predictions(self, path):
        return np.load(path)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Substra 0.21.0 — 2022-09-12

This is our first open source release since 2021! When the product was closed source it used to be named Connect. It is now renamed Substra.

Main changes

  • Admin and user roles have been introduced. The user role is the same as the previous role. The admin role can, in addition, manage users and define their roles. The admin can create users and reset their password in the GUI.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: remove the shared local folder of the compute plan

  • BREAKING CHANGE: pass the algo method to execute under the --method-name argument within the within the cli of the task execution. If the interface between substra and the backend is handled via substratools, there are no changes to apply within the substra code but algo and metric Dockerfiles should expose a --method-name argument in the ENTRYPOINT.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: an extra argument predictions_path has been added to both predict and _local_predict methods from all TorchAlgo classes. The user now have to use the _save_predictions method to save its predictions in _local_predict. The user defined metrics will load those saved prediction with np.load(inputs['predictions']). The _save_predictions method can be overwritten.

Default _local_predict method from SubstraFL algorithms went from:

def _local_predict(self, predict_dataset:
        if self._index_generator is not None:
            predict_loader =, batch_size=self._index_generator.batch_size)
            raise BatchSizeNotFoundError(
                "No default batch size has been found to perform local prediction. "
                "Please overwrite the _local_predict function of your algorithm."


        predictions = torch.Tensor([])
        with torch.inference_mode():
            for x in predict_loader:
                predictions =, self._model(x)), 0)

        return predictions


def _local_predict(self, predict_dataset:, predictions_path: Path):

      if self._index_generator is not None:
          predict_loader =, batch_size=self._index_generator.batch_size)
          raise BatchSizeNotFoundError(
              "No default batch size has been found to perform local prediction. "
              "Please overwrite the _local_predict function of your algorithm."


      predictions = torch.Tensor([])
      with torch.inference_mode():
          for x in predict_loader:
              predictions =, self._model(x)), 0)

      self._save_predictions(predictions, predictions_path)

      return predictions


  • GUI: the page size has been increased from 10 to 30 items displayed

  • GUI: Fixed: keep filtering/ordering setup when refreshing an asset list page

  • GUI: Fixed: filtering on compute plan duration

  • GUI: Fixed: the columns name, status and dates are displayed by default in the compute plans page

  • GUI: Fixed: broken unselection of compute plans in comparison page

  • GUI: Fixed: CP columns and favorites disappear on logout

  • GUI: the CP workflow graph now displays CPs with up to 1000 tasks, instead of 300

  • The test task rank now have the same behaviour as for other tasks (parent task rank + 1)


  • added list_model to the SDK client

  • Download function of the client return the path of downloaded file

  • Local mode: add a check, a task output of type performance must have public permissions

  • Fix the filters on status for compute plans and tasks. This fix also introduces some changes: the value for the filters on status must now be a list (like for other filters, there is a OR condition between elements of the list) and its value must be substra.models.ComputePlanStatus.{name of the status}.value for compute plans and substra.models.Status.{name of the status}.value for tasks.


# Return all the composite traintuples with the status "doing"
client.list_composite_traintuple(filters={"status": [substra.models.Status.doing.value]})
  • changed the metrics and algo definition relying on substra tools. All the methods of those objects now take inputs and outputs as arguments; which are TypedDict.


  • Throw an error if pytorch 1.12.0 is used. There is a regression bug in torch 1.12.0, that impacts optimizers that have been pickled and unpickled. This bug occurs for Adam optimizer for example (but not for SGD). Here is a link to one issue covering it: pytorch/pytorch#80345

  • In the PyTorch algorithms, move the data to the device (GPU or CPU) in the training loop and predict function so that the user does not need to do it.