How to deploy Substra Backend

This guide shows you how to deploy the backend component of Substra.


To deploy a Substra backend you will need a fully configured Kubernetes cluster. You will also need to install Helm.

Preparing your Helm values

The Substra backend deployment is packaged using Helm. You can find the complete description of values that can be used to configure the chart on Artifact Hub.

To configure your values:

  1. Add the Helm repository for Substra:

    helm repo add substra
  2. Create a Helm values file named backend-values.yaml with the following content:

    organizationName: ORGANIZATION
    Replace ORGANIZATION with the name of your Organization. It should match one of the organizations present in the Orchestrator channel configuration.
  3. Configure your Substra backend Ingress. In the backend-values.yaml file add the following content:

      defaultDomain: https://SUBDOMAIN.HOSTDOMAIN:443
      commonHostDomain: HOSTDOMAIN
        enabled: true
        hostname: SUBDOMAIN.HOSTDOMAIN
    Replace HOSTDOMAIN with the domain of your server without the lowest subdomain (e.g. for a server exposed at HOSTDOMAIN would be
    Replace SUBDOMAIN with the lowest subdomain (e.g. for a server exposed at SUBDOMAIN would be api).


    For ALLOWED_HOSTS, note that the leading dot is important.

  4. Configure your connection to the orchestrator. In the backend-values.yaml file add the following content:

    Replace ORCHESTRATOR_HOSTNAME with the hostname of the orchestrator.
    Replace ORCHESTRATOR_PORT with the port of your orchestrator (Should be 80 if TLS is disabled, otherwise 443).
    Replace ORGANIZATION with the name of your Organization. It should be the same value as for the organizationName key.
  1. Configure your Substra Channels. In the backend-values.yaml file, add the following content under the orchestrator key:

      - CHANNEL:
          restricted: RESTRICTED
          model_export_enabled: MODEL_EXPORT
            name: mycc
    Replace CHANNEL with the name of a channel you want to be part of, it should match one of the channels defined in your Orchestrator Substra Channels.
    Replace RESTRICTED with true if your organization should be the only member of this channel else false.
    Replace MODEL_EXPORT with true if you want to allow users from this channel to be able to download models produced by the platform, else false.
  2. Optional: If your Orchestrator has TLS enabled:

    1. Retrieve the CA certificate from your orchestrator:

      The CA certificate is the orchestrator-ca.crt file generated at the Generate your Certificate Authority certificate step of the Orchestrator deployment. If a public Certificate Authority was used to generate the orchestrator certificate you will need to fetch the certificate of the Certificate Authority.

    2. Create a ConfigMap containing the CA certificate:

      kubectl create configmap orchestrator-cacert --from-file=ca.crt=orchestrator-ca.crt
    3. Configure your backend to enable Orchestrator TLS. In the backend-values.yaml file add the following content under the orchestrator key:

        enabled: true
        cacert: orchestrator-cacert
  3. Optional: If the orchestrator requires your backend to be authenticated by using mTLS follow How to set up mTLS.

  4. Add users to your backend. In the backend-values.yaml file add the following content:

        - name: USERNAME
          secret: PASSWORD
          channel: CHANNEL
    Replace USERNAME with the name of the user you want to add.
    Replace PASSWORD with the password of the user you want to add. It should be at least 20 characters long.
    Replace CHANNEL with the name of the channel this user is part of. It should match one of the channels defined in your Substra Channel configuration.
  5. Optional: Define configuration for inter organization communication. For this you can follow the guide How to link multiple Substra backends.

Deploy the Chart

To deploy the Substra Backend chart in your Kubernetes cluster follow these steps:

  1. Deploy the backend Helm chart:

    helm install RELEASE-NAME substra/substra-backend --version VERSION --values backend-values.yaml
    Replace RELEASE-NAME with the name of your Substra backend release (it can be an arbitrary name).
    Replace VERSION with the version of the Substra backend helm chart you want to deploy.

    This will create all the Kubernetes resources required for a functional Substra backend in your Kubernetes cluster.